
Vendors who natively support OpenTelemetry

A non-exhaustive list of organizations offering solutions that consume OpenTelemetry natively via OTLP, such as observability backends and observability pipelines.

Some organizations provide a distribution (of customized OpenTelemetry components), that provides additional capabilities or for improved ease of use.

Organization1OSSCom­mer­cialDistri­butionNative OTLPLearn more
Apache SkyWalkingYesNoNo Yes… 
Fluent BitYesNoNo Yes… 
JaegerYesNoNo Yes… 
TeletraceYesNoYes Yes… 
ClickHouseYesYesNo No… 
Grafana LabsYesYesNo Yes… 
GreptimeDBYesYesYes Yes… 
HighlightYesYesYes Yes… 
observIQYesYesYes Yes 
qrynYesYesYes Yes… 
SigNozYesYesYes Yes 
AppDynamics (Cisco)NoYesYes Yes… 
Aria by VMware (Wavefront)NoYesNo Yes… 
AspectoNoYesYes Yes 
AWSNoYesYes No 
AzureNoYesYes No… 
CoralogixNoYesYes Yes… 
CriblNoYesNo Yes… 
DaoCloudNoYesYes Yes… 
DatadogNoYesYes Yes… 
DynatraceNoYesYes Yes… 
ElasticNoYesYes Yes… 
F5NoYesNo Yes… 
Google Cloud PlatformNoYesNo Yes… 
HeliosNoYesYes Yes… 
HoneycombNoYesYes Yes… 
InstanaNoYesNo Yes… 
ITRSNoYesYes Yes… 
KloudFuseNoYesNo Yes… 
KloudMateNoYesNo Yes… 
LogicMonitorNoYesYes Yes… 
LogScale by Crowdstrike (Humio)NoYesNo Yes… 
Logz.ioNoYesYes No… 
LumigoNoYesYes Yes… 
New RelicNoYesNo Yes… 
Observe, Inc.NoYesYes Yes… 
ObserveAnyNoYesNo Yes… 
OracleNoYesNo Yes… 
SentryNoYesYes No… 
Sentry SoftwareNoYesYes Yes… 
ServiceNow Cloud Observability (Lightstep)NoYesYes Yes… 
ServicePilotNoYesNo Yes… 
SolarWindsNoYesYes Yes… 
SplunkNoYesYes Yes… 
Sumo LogicNoYesYes Yes… 
TelemetryHubNoYesNo Yes… 
TingYunNoYesNo Yes… 
TraceloopNoYesNo Yes 
UptraceNoYesYes Yes 

Add your organization

To have your organization listed, submit a PR with an entry added to the vendors list. The entry must include the following2:

  • Link to the documentation that details how your offering consumes OpenTelemetry natively via OTLP.
  • Link to your distribution, if applicable
  • Link that proves that your offering is open source, if applicable. An open source distribution does not qualify your offering to be marked “open source”.
  • GitHub handle or email address as a point of contact so that we can reach out in case we have questions

Note that this list is for organizations that consume OpenTelemetry and offer Observability to end users.

If you adopt OpenTelemetry for Observability as an end-user organization, and you do not provide any kind of services around OpenTelemetry, see Adopters.

If you provide a library, service, or app that is made observable through OpenTelemetry, see Integrations.

  1. Organizations are grouped as follows based on their OTel support:

    • Pure OSS
    • Mixed OSS/commercial
    • Commercial
    • Alphabetical within each group
  2. Organizations listed before July 2023 are exempt from these requirements until January 1, 2024, after which they will be removed unless updated. ↩︎